S.K Taman Megah Forever ♥ the beawesomest school in the entire world. Intro. Blog. Us. Speak. SKTMians reminiz |
Wednesday, July 29, 2009 / 8:39 PM
To all spammers...
aka.(F***er, Someone, Demolisher, LickingMyAssOff and some other shitting losers) Pls... leave this blog alone Expecially LickingMyAssUp... You! Please leave Eu Fern alone! WE are just innocent people kayz? WE didn't even do anything larh, So leave this alone! Message to "LickingMyAssOff" : Your welcome... I created the Chatango its because I dun wanna see someone spamming the Cbox While the others wanna chat. So cbox : For spamming. (If you want) chatango : For chatting. So understand? Biatch!! P.S. Leave us alone And btw LickingMyAssOff is such a Loser name. Woot woot!! Pre-trials over!! But still stress.. Another 40 days to UPSR!! To Std6, wish you all to get 5A's and God bless you!! -Jess- Lucks.
Tuesday, July 28, 2009 / 2:23 AM
To all standard 6s,
Monday, July 27, 2009 / 5:25 AM
It's been FOREVER since I posted here! It is, I... The awesome one... Yes, ME... PRIS :D I know you missed meh (: Ohmygosh o.O This blog has pretty much been spammed Yepp.. And most of the posts are bouts the spammers.. So here I am Posting bout something NOT bouts spammers? Why you making em feel "special"? How come you post bout THEM but not..ME? O: -SOBSOB- SHEESH Since you don't like me! HMMPH! AW COME BACK! I didn't mean it, HONEST! I'm just being my weird self (: WAIT THERE'S TRIALS TMRW! THERE WERE TRIALS TODAY! O: AHHHHH! ANYWAYYY I'm taking a break from studying Gonna study 'gain sooon.. So, I'VE GOTTA GOOOOOO! Don't miss me too much, k? Oh fine, go ahead (: SEE YA (: Its her.
Saturday, July 25, 2009 / 4:02 AM
Its been awhile since posted :D
Anyways. Today's topic! :D Fucked up spammers :O Number one fucked up spammers are.. Someone and Fucker.. Wait.. This is my theory. (: Also Kerk's theory actually. Someone and Fucker is actually ONE person. He is just doing this 'cause he got no life and supporter/friend. So he felt so alone that he needed to talk to someone. So he decided to talk to himself (: aww, poor thing. don't worry, we totally understand you. ( nahh. ) you poor asshole. cry to your mother (: why can't you leave? are you jealous? So what. so what if we have to wear school uniforms. so what if we have that kind of badge? that badge is awesome. and we love the uniforms. we are not poor. what made you say that? we just enter this school because its awesome. this school is about to be sekolah cemerlang. you low lifed brats. what is your problem anyways? so scared until you blame Emily for your problem? i see how some sri-nobel-ians are on friendship. sktm-ians are definitely way better then you are. go to your mother and cry. asshole. Today's OTHER topic :D trials ): Hey, to all of you (: Good luck! :D For our trials and upsr D: six years being here.. lets all score 5A's! we had an awesome year right? :D awesome memories in sktm (: good luck for your trials! the limit is the sky! :D go for it! make your wildest dreams come true! :] love you all <3 good luck! <3 thats it. bye :] Ang <3> Saturday, July 18, 2009 / 1:45 AM
TO SOMEONE AND ****ER....**** OFF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YOU GUYS SERIOUSLY HAVE NO LIVES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!JUST LEAVE US ALONE PLS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WAT THE HECK IS YOUR F***ING PROBLEMS??????????????????????????? SHEESH!!!!!!!!!!! JUST LEAVE US AND OUR BLOG ALONE AND SPAM UR OWN BLOG OR SUMTHIN.....JUST GO DIE!!!!!!!!!!!!! U TWO PPL(SOMEONE AND ****ER IN CASE UR TOO STUPID TO UNDERSTAND...OH WAIT...U ARE!!!)ARE SO DAMN RETARDED.....ASSHOLES!!!!!!!!!!
Friday, July 17, 2009 / 7:06 AM
Hi this is "someone" fromt he cbox..
Lol just joking this is ReaPerZz You fucked(oops i meant retarded for non-vulgar ppl) up spammers..please we know you are the same person.Don't be so desperate until talk to yourself.Its too funny to read.You are gonna make us die of laughter at your stupidity. Also if you sri nobelians are so great why do you even want to come to a low-life skol blog and start chatting in the cbox?Why...Its not your job to check on us or anything rite?Damn ive met many ppl like you but none who talk to themselves(lol retards). Ya think you such a VIP izzit?If i find out who you are i gonna smash ur head into the desk then kick ur cock(if ur a guy) or punch ur face(if your a girl..xD NO MERCY).So this is a warning to all spammers. You don't want bad stuff to happen to you.I happen to be a skilled samurai like this guy ![]() Oops too cute i mean this ![]() =.="
Saturday, July 11, 2009 / 10:34 PM
Ang here. We have a frikkin serious problem. There are TWO fked up spammers called Someone and Fucker. Well "Someone" is a peice of shit. and for "Fucker".. What is your fucking problem? If you are a standard 6 respect this blog. Go crap on some other shitty blogs. Jealous that we have such a epic and awesome blog and also a huge supportive crew is it? Shit on yourselves larh. Think your so smart. GET THE HELL OUT OF OUR BLOG. CALLING US LAME AND CHILDISH. LOOK WHOS JOINING FORCES TO CRAP AT OUR BLOG. GET A LIFE AND STOP CONTROLLING OURS. THIS AWESOME BLOG IS NOT YOURS. GO CRAP ON SOME OTHER BLOG. Just frikkin get lost kay? you are a standard 6. are you from our school? who cares if you are smarter then us. Sekolah Kebangsaan Taman Megah's standard 6 of 2009 is unique in their own ways. What shit do you care about? We are not "sissy's" d: Look whos using such a lame word. "sissy" Crap and shit on yourselves. Just tell us who you are. Admit it now before its too late. Forever be sins. Rot in hell. We will all never forgive you. You still have ONE more chance. ONE last chance. Give it up and tell us who you are. Who wont leave.. And claim to be std 6 And said that they wanna crap all they want in this blog.. Look at the post if ur free Now some of you i know are lazy to look at older posts... this is why im helping u see what they wrote x3 Now at first there was only one who went under the name of "someone" This was his FIRST post if im not mistaken la... i hardly log on this blog .. lol ![]() And then came their second ![]() Reply : So...they dont tell you what "KDK" means...? Jealous a... ? "Who would want to know what is that word" Did they tease you abt that word? Dont think so... (THINK ONLY A) Why u suddenly concern in that word nia? Wanna know ... ASK LA? Oh... and NICELY TOO.. NOT WITH UR F****ING ATTITUDE Reply: So what... IN POSTS... YES WE SAY WE'RE BORED WE'RE BORED.. So yalah we are bored with our lifes at SOME TIMES.. So what we're weird? What do YOU care? Some people are weird... some people are bored and some people can be lame (AT TIMES) AND OF COURSE THERE CAN BE SOME FREAKING RUDE PPL (Like you =) ) Got diffrent one ma? If you GOD then u can complain la... We accept your complaints... But guess what..? YOU'RE NOT.. Then comes the THIRD ONE ![]() Reply: "Cant even score a decent result" What does that mean ? =x Then it goes on ....(UNFORTUNATELY) ![]() This one no comment... .... And then comes this ****er Another spammer... ![]() Now...... READ CAREFULLY ... FROM HERE ON I REALLY DONT GET ANYTHING (yes... you may call me STUPID for misunderstanding... BUT SOME PPL HAVE THEIR DISADVANTAGES RITE? =3 ) Reply : Now this is just my thought... " You guys suck man , we have ppl FROM sktm in OUR school that r "uber" dumb u guys suck straws everyday" ( Duno what uber means... ) Does this mean.. you r not from our school? Now acording to the later post (in Cbox NOW) "Someone" says that you guys have the right to spam... cos ur std 6.. BUT ... R U a student from SKTM? Acording to the blog title... this is for SKTM STD 6 Okay... moving on comes the last .. i no time d LOL These both spammers meet and want to "join forces" ![]() Erm sorry to the person name "emmz" .. To lazy to edit ur post out... xD Reply : Dont know our english well? Whats ur point? Your smarter now? Reply : "Join forces" Look who's calling who lame... =X Reply : Std6 know their letters well? Again i say ? Whats the hell is your point? Reply : We dont know how to blog..? Why dont you give us your blog and we see how u do? Blogging = ONLINE DIARY .. You express ur feelings IF YOU WANT TO Reply : We can't keep secrets? Our problem rite? What does it have to do with you.. I said before.. UNLESS the secret is about you.. COMPLAIN ALL U WANT.. I HAVE NO OBJECTIONS~~~ Damn.. I GTG OKAY SO LAST REPLY ISIT YOUR PROBLEM WE'R LAME? YOU SAY UR STD6 .. TRY ACTING LIKE ONE AND STOP BUTTING UR NOSES IN TO OTHER PPL'S MATTERS .. WHO'S THE SHOW OFF HERE? (first pic) SAYING WE CNT BLOG AND U CAN DO BETTER HAR? GTGZ D =) CYA.. -Unknown- |
talk, don't crap.
you leavin'? well do as you please.
LINKS HERE. *a little help? *Epic Family(: Aisyah(: Alaynna(: Alyssa(: Andrea(: Angela(: Ashley Ng(: Brandon(: Carmen(: Daryl Tam(: Gillian(: Geraldine(: Isabel(: Izyan(: Jade Ng(: Jade Tam(: James Lim(: Jesselyn Loh(: Jolyene(: Jonathan Soo(: Karina(: Karina&KimWong(: Katerine(: Kerk Zhan(: Kimberley Wong(: Kimberley Yeo(: Lavannye(: Lavender(: Le Shea(: May Teng(: Michelle(: Neil(: Priscilla(: Safia(: Sara(: Shun-Yeen(: Stephanie(: |
Codes with reference from nic96ole from blogskins. Nicole's blog: SpillMyWords. Inspiration from New Creation Church. DO NOT use as basecodes, DO NOT dupilcate. DO edit for personal use. |