your world, your rule.
you're currently at the blog of the std 6's.
we're now gone but hey, forever an SKTMian!
leave us a tag.
navis are really really obvious, so don't act like an idiot.
we're awesome. Jangan lupa.
fresh start. ♥
Tuesday, December 29, 2009 / 9:18 PM
Heyy! guess who? no guesses? okay, just keep guessing while I blog. so, in about 4 to 5 days time, we're going to start off at new schools eh? my maths is very bad, so please pardon me.
Anyway, as I was saying. -.- new school, new friends, new life. cool? I don't know. still not used to the idea. haha.
Do you think we'll forget each other? I mean like grow apart once we meet newer friends? hey, everyone likes new stuff right? -.- so, well, just hope we don't fall apart, haha.
Oh, question! Who's going back to SKTM on the first day? doubt i'm going, but we'll see larr. okay, new year is starting in 2 days! wait, no, one day. eeeeh, horrible maths, please excuse it -.- anyway, point is,
'10 is coming! '09 is no more, so, let's make the best of '10 while we can, ok? and well, good luck to everyone in everything.
Aaand, i'm ending the post ;) goodbye! -karinaa. 6M '09.
Sunday, December 27, 2009 / 10:20 PM
hahahahha, toldcha im supergirl. i saved the blog from dying. its angela, supergirl! anyways, i changed the lay. :D pretty? :) thanks jess, for the email. ;) have a nice day! supergirl, OUT.
the awesome ones.
We are the Standard Six class of Two Thousand And Nine,
We are risk-takers, troublemakers, & rule-breakers.
But we're proud of it. We enjoyed our last moments.
We ROCK. Because we're SKTMers.
Once an SKTMer, ALWAYS an SKTMer
you leavin'? well do as you please.