your world, your rule.
you're currently at the blog of the std 6's.
we're now gone but hey, forever an SKTMian!
leave us a tag.
navis are really really obvious, so don't act like an idiot.
we're awesome. Jangan lupa.
reviving the blog? :D
Thursday, March 25, 2010 / 7:39 PM
Hello! :DCan you guess who I am? ;)CAN YOU CAN YOU?!Hahahhaa. :DOkay, anyway, I finally found out the e-mail for this blog.Yeah, e-mail, not pass :DKay kay, so now what? We should srsly have a like, reunion soon. :)Okay? OKAY! Hahahaha! Just kidding. I think. :PHow's secondary school for everyone? DJ's finee. :)BU4? Taman Sea? Any news? :DWell, yeah, I guess this is it. Just 'reviving' the blog? Though, mine is dead. xD OKAYY :DByee!Hope to see 'vryone soon!karinaa.
ME. :)
Thursday, March 18, 2010 / 8:24 AM
let me start off by saying I AM BEAWESOME. :)
hey you people. :)
ME? i am, well, not so good. :(
Miss SKTM like, freaking much. :(
aaaand, i'm out. :D
x priscillaaaaaaaalim.
6M '09. <33>
don't stop believing
Friday, March 12, 2010 / 8:11 AM
Helloo you LAZY ARSES I can't always be the CPR person who brings this beloved blog back to life. SO CAN YOU LIKE FREAKING HELP MEE?? AURGGHH. Yes, that may sound constipated. Uh, okay FIIINE. I'll post a few pics later. UPDAAAAAAAATE. Or you HATE SKTM. NGAHHAH. :P - Laayna; SIX E TWOTHOUSANDAND NIIIIINE (heart)
the awesome ones.
We are the Standard Six class of Two Thousand And Nine,
We are risk-takers, troublemakers, & rule-breakers.
But we're proud of it. We enjoyed our last moments.
We ROCK. Because we're SKTMers.
Once an SKTMer, ALWAYS an SKTMer
you leavin'? well do as you please.